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Rowan University Main Stage Productions - Images from selected shows from the past 25 years
Rowan Gallery
Seven Guitars
Peer Gint
3 Penny opera
3 Penny Opera
Into the Hood
Red Noses
Nine Women
Twelth Night
Rowan University Behind the Scenes
Back Stage Shop. Our shop is located on the stage in the Tohill Theater. Interesting set of challenges, like making sure everything is on wheels, finding places for materials and working around the shows and tech. rehearsals.
Nine Women was a co production with the Egopo Theater. This raked platform was built her then transported to another venue in Philadelphia.
Nine Women - from the back.
Three Penny Opera, inch for inch the largest set we have ever had. It was designe by Mathias Fruzia, who went on to be an Artistic Director at Disney World.
Stairs to the Roof. This show was slated for Tohill, but at the lats moment we had to relocate the entire shop and show. I found a space in Westby Hall where we built the set then moved it over to Wilson Hall to be painted and Teched.
Dracula - I co directed this production with my colleague Dr. Liz Hostetter. This ambitious project was filled with Dry Ice, Puppetry, Projections and lots of (fake) blood.
Dracula - Each window was backed by lycra and LED strip lights where installed in front. The actors would push through the martial an be spookily up lighted.
Dracula - Haze Test. Tohill does not have the proper smoke dectors for haze or fog. In order to get around this we agreed to post a fire watch for the show and shut off the dectors on stage. This was done with an arrangement with Public Safety and the Fire Marshall. One we where all set we cranked our hazers.
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